Last week we celebrated our friend Kali's 21st by having a Mexican feast followed by a fun night at a "cave bar" in Madrid. Just as Kali's festivities were winding down, it was time to celebrate Kate's 21st! We had a fiesta here at the piso with the roomies and all the girls, and then went out dancing at a fun bar off of Gran Via that played American oldies!!

The next day (Tuesday) was "El Festival de San Isidro" and everything in Madrid was closed (including school!) so we celebrated in the park with the rest of the "Madrileños" and even got to see some fireworks! The whole day was so much fun and relaxing. Tonight we're having a "graduation party" for our friend Yvonne, a senior from Purdue who had her last semester here in Spain. Should prove to be another fun WIP get-together.
Until then I'll be working on a paper for my Prado class, which is due this week. It's weird to start having to do work all of a sudden, but once I get myself organized I'm hoping it won't be too bad. The academic component of this program has been my biggest concern while I've been here, so I'm hoping to pull through with somewhat decent grades. It's not that I have work and I'm just not doing it; it's the spanish system itself and how frustrating it can be. I don't want to bitch and moan about it too much, sufice it to say that I'll have a lot of constructive criticism for my program evaluation.
Not wanting to end on a downer, so I hope all is well with everyone at home! Can't wait to see all of you so soon!!
1 comment:
thanks for the update. that is why we call work-- and school... work! ha.... give me an email or buzz soon! love you! ejmbunny (SP) is home tuesday I think! Yey.. ok sleep tight.. study hard and have CONFIDENCE! HA
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