Our last group of visitors arrived on Sunday April 1st and it was really great to get to spend time with part of Kate's family. Her mom Cindy and her sister Amanda went with Kate to their hotel for Sunday night, while I hung out at the piso and packed up for our trip. We left on Monday for Alicante and after a few mishaps with our first train, we finally got on one for 6 pm. The train ride was actually really fun (the sangria didn't hurt either)

The rest of the week was spent laying out by the beach or pool, grabbing some food, walking around the area, hanging out/showering in the room, having dinner, playing cards (Eileen- I am FINALLY learning how to play Euchre- tourney this summer?) drinking at the hotel pub, watching Amanda hit on some German golfers, going to bed around 1 or 2 each night, and getting up early for the complementary breakfast, only to do it all over again.

Our hotel was in a pretty remote area, so we definitely all spent a lot of time together. It was fun though and 3 days was the perfect amount of time for the trip. It was also really relaxing, which is exactly what I needed after the whirwind Portugal trip. I loved getting to know Cindy and Amanda better, and it was nice see how Kate is around her family. All in all it was a really great beach vacation.
We got back into Madrid Friday afternoon and grabbed some tapas at a little place down the street from our piso. Amanda and Cindy had a really early flight on Sunday, so we hung out here last night, watching some movies (and of course LOST) before going to bed fairly early. Saturday Kate and I were pretty much bums, which is exactly what we deserved. Playing tour guide/translator is great, but we're both in agreement that not having any visitors for awhile will be a nice break. Seeing everyone from home was also exactly what I needed- homesickness seems to be a thing of the past, considering we have less than three months left here...
Sunday was Easter, and while Kate and a few other girls from the program went to church in the morning, I slept in (lol)! But it was still a great day since I got to meet up with them for brunch afterwards. We had an AMAZING Easter feast and spent the rest of the afternoon catching up and hearing about everyone's break.

No school today which gave me some time to catch up my homework- all in all a great weekend.
Whelp- that's about all for now! Hope you've all enjoyed the three-part summary of my last few weeks!
I love it!!! still green with envy!
sitting here with di di , jaynie and me.. pizza, wine and looking at your pics .. reading blog..... love it... ok.... be safe and post again soon.. can we skype tomorrow early..??? call home first! mommasita
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