Last weekend I played tour guide for an old friend from high school who is studying abroad in Paris and was visiting Madrid for a few days. It was great to catch up and hear all about his study abroad experience. It also made me realize how absolutely in love I am with Madrid, and how much I love showing it off- it's such an amazing city, and one I really can't wait to come back to visit in the future.
This week us Purdue kids have been celebrating Grand Prix, which is one of my favorite Purdue traditions. This Saturday there is a go-kart race, but the week leading up to it is just full of crazyness and partying. It's so much fun though, and there's no way any of us wanted to miss out. On Sunday we went to Christine and Ariel's piso for some pizza and shirt decorating. It was a lot fun just hanging out and got me really excited for the whole week!

On Monday I had class all day and then met up with everyone for Happy Hour. We wore our shirts there, and had a great time. Our bartenders liked the idea of Grand Prix so much that they just started giving us free drinks, and there was a group of old Notre Dame grads that did the same. All in all it was a crazy time for a Monday.

Tuesday was pretty tame- class all day then met up with some of the girls for dinner at this great place called "Rey de Tortillas" (Tortilla King). We all had some great food and ordered this giant sangria dispenser called a "Metro" for 15 euro. Very fun.

Yesterday I had my Prado tutorial with Madison and then afterwards we met up with the girls at the park to hang out and bask in the sun. The weather in Madrid is absolutely gorgeous right now- mid 70's and nothing but sunshine. I looove it.

Last night the whole group went to Chesterfield's, a discoteca, and danced the night away- soo much fun.

Well anyways, all for now- I'll update more after this weekend...should be a good one...! ;)
PS My thoughts are with the Virginia Tech campus and community...this has become international news (all the papers and tv stations here have been reporting on it) and it's been interesting to see the European perspective. Such a senseless tragedy that really shook all of us up. As college students (and especially as college students abroad) we have so much freedom, and a love for life, that we often forget how quickly it can all be taken away. I've been keeping in touch with my friends at home, and it's amazing to see the amount of support being given to VT from colleges all over the country.
1 comment:
bottom line.. so proud of you!
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