Hanging out in the piso right now, looking at pictures and relaxing after a crazy but fun two weeks.
This is post number 1!My mom, Joey, Diane, Amy, Kari, Jayne, Eileen, Katie, and Sara all got here on the 24th and it was so nice to get to see everyone. Saturday I took them around Gran Via, the palace, and the Plaza Mayor. We hung out for awhile and then went to a delicious dinner down the street from their hotel (this is when the moms realized that free table water doesn't really exist in Spain...oops). After dinner we drank some more in the hotel lobby before going to a "Belgium Beer Bar" for a little bit. All in all a busy but great day.

Sunday everything is closed in Spain so we went to the Rastro in the morning and Retiro in the afternoon.

The weather is Spain was pretty cold, but still sunny and it was nice to relax and not have a definite plan for the day, considering mostly everyone was still recovering from jet lag. Sunday night I took the kids out for euro bocadillos and then they met up with the mothers to go to a flamenco show. Unfortunately I had to miss it...stupid 8:30 class. Monday they went to Segovia while I was at school and then we all met up again at Happy Hour!! :) Afterwards we went for a delicious Mexican dinner in Chueca and then some of us continued the night at Dubliner's.

Tuesday the gang went to Toledo where my brother bought a sword- clearly he had a great day! (lol) When they got back I walked around with mom a little before meeting back up with everyone (incluing Colin!) to go out for an amazing paella dinner. On the way to dinner we passed by a movie premiere...

....needless to say, almost catching a glimpse of John Travolta pretty much made my year. (lol) After dinner we ended up in some tiny bar close to the hotel before heading back for the night and saying goodbye to Jayne. Wednesday was everyone's last day/night in Madrid so when they got back from a day trip to Cordoba, we hung out at the hotel (in the VIP lounge, of course) before saying goodbye to the backpackers: Eileen, Colin, Katie, and Sara.

It was sad seeing them go but I'm going to get to see them all in a month when I go and visit!! Wednesday night we went out for a nice italian dinner

...and then headed back to the hotel to get ready for our vacation to Portugal!!
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