We have also been hanging out with the other WIP kids, who are all awesome. On Wednesday (Valentine's Day) we decided to be little party planners, and got a group of about 16 to go with us to Happy Hour at Friday's. (yes, the same Friday's we have in the U.S.- it's okay though, because I have wanted to try those giant drinks for forever...and now I can...legally! Plus our roomate Arturo works there, so we got to see him which was nice!) After Happy Hour a smaller group of us went to this little restaurant that sells small sandwiches (bocadillos) for 1 euro each..you get this little sheet an just mark off which ones you want, and then they call your
name when they're ready- cheap and delicious! Que bueno! Here's some pics from the day:

Overall we had a really fun time celebrating the holiday, even without our boyfriends, lol!
Thursday we walked around Chamberi some more and did some shopping, then came back to our piso to get ready to go out with two of our roomates, Cristian and Arturo! They took us a to a delicious Peruvian restaurant where we got to try new foods and got to know the guys better! It was a really fun night. There was a man who worked at the restaurant playing the guitar and singing to everyone- people got up and started dancing and it was so funny- SO Spain! After dinner we went to a club where a Spanish band was playing. Dancing the night away with our gay roomies could not have been more fun- we're such a cute little family- Arturo calls us his "hermanas" (sisters) all the time, and we really could not have gotten luckier with our piso find!

Hope all is well! I love the emails I've been getting- thanks everyone!! Hope to send out some postcards soon! Love and miss you all!
1 comment:
What a fun time! I am so happy that you finally are relaxed and enjoying your adventure! Sounds Awesome! Love ya... mommasita
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